The City of Peace
It is an inspiring narration about the city of peace, Jerusalem in the Middle East. It is about Hameed, a suicide bomber who was indoctrinated by ‘Urooj-e-Islam’ (UeI), a radical Islamist organization to blast a synagogue in Jerusalem crammed with about five thousand Jews on the eve of Yom Kippur.
Hameed a young boy was instigated by an extremist element of UeI to avenge his elder brother’s death by a Hindu mob in Ahmedabad, India by blasting Anjenayaya Temple in Bangalore. He did the horrific and scurries from his house in panic and takes shelter in his Jewish college friend Shamila’s house without informing her about his crime. A few days later, when he departs from her house to Delhi to escape the police net, he was again trapped on the way by the same element of UeI and was steered to Delhi.
At Delhi, Maulana, of the UeI proselytized Hameed for a holy mission of liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque from Israel’s occupation and was sent to Istanbul, Turkey to visit Nooruddin for the detailed plan as how to execute it as a suicide bomber. He was then packed to Beirut, Lebanon, to meet Al-Habib, the head of the UeI, where he was given and shown the mechanism of a jacket stuffed with IED explosives. Hameed after managing to seek refuge in innocent Shamila’s cousin’s house in Jerusalem leaves Beirut with the jacket. For a few days, he kept surreptitiously planning to enter the synagogue and then sneaked into it with the jacket on the occasion of Yom Kippur. A few moments later, the worshippers and the world were stunned when he exposes the suicidal jacket and demands the Israeli authorities to surrender Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Arab Muslims. Was Hameed able to transform those thrilling moments into nightmare for Israel or something incredible happened, is gripping?
Publisher : Kathalok Publications, Bangalore.
First edition : April 2008.
Pages : 184.
Price : Rs. 500/- Foreign 25$ (including postage).